life lessons

10. There’s no such thing as a guilty pleasure.

If you enjoy something, then enjoy it without apologizing? Calling something a guilty pleasure means that you’re worried what other people think, which leads us to…

9. Other people’s opinions aren’t as important as you think.

Who cares what anyone else thinks? We spend so much of our lives worrying that we’ll be laughed at or judged, but the hard truth is that most people are more worried about themselves than anyone else.

8. It doesn’t matter how slowly you go, as long as you keep going.

Perseverance is one of the greatest life lessons we learn as we get older. Keep trying, and eventually you’ll end up where you were meant to be.

7. Life happens in the moment.

Worrying about the past or fretting about the future does you no good. The only thing that matters is the present and how we act in it.

6. You can’t change anyone.

This is a tough life lesson. In fact, some people never learn it. But no one will change unless they want to change. You can’t force it.

5. Don’t take things too seriously.

By the time you reach retirement age, you realize that all the problems you thought were insurmountable mountains were really just speed bumps in the road. Taking things too seriously only makes a difficult situation worse.

4. It’s just stuff.

Things get broken or lost. The joy you felt when buying something new often fades quickly, leaving you with bills to pay and stuff to put away. You’re better off spending your money on experiences than things.

3. Keep it simple.

Being busy is, ultimately, a waste of time. All that running around, all those commitments you didn’t want to break–in time, none of it will seem important. Focus on the things that are really valuable–simple pleasures with family and friends.

2. Nurture your relationships.

It’s all too easy to let old friendships fade as we grow older. But the people who’ve been with you since your earliest steps on the road are more important than you know. They truly “get” you in ways that no one else ever will, so don’t neglect your friends.

1. Change is the only constant.

No matter what happens, no matter how many plans you make, change will sneak up and turn everything upside down. One of the greatest life lessons is to embrace change without judgement or fear. You never know what will happen next, so stay curious and see where the journey takes you.