
Is there something you want to do but are too afraid to try? Stop letting fear rule your life and take control! It’s time to kick that fear in the behind and follow your heart wherever it takes you.

What Are You Afraid Of?

There a few common fears that people experience when trying something new. First is the fear of not being good at the thing you try to do. That’s mostly based on the worry that other people will judge you and you’ll feel embarrassed. It also has to do with the judgment you pass on yourself.

Another common fear is that it’s too late to learn something new. You’re too old, and you know what they say about old dogs and new tricks. You might also be afraid of the unknown. It’s naturally scary to move outside your comfort zone.

Finally, there’s a real fear of wasting your time and money on something that might not pan out. Who do you think you are, chasing a dream for yourself for the pure pleasure of doing it? Shouldn’t you be doing something useful or staying in your lane?

Tools to Conquer Your Fear

Did any of those common fears ring a bell with you? Chances are good that you’ve been struggling with one or more of those fears, but there are ways to move past these roadblocks.

  • Identify what you’re afraid of. When you put a name on that fear, you pull its teeth. Take a moment to sit down with a notebook and write out the thing you’d like to do and explore the fear that’s keeping you from doing it.
  • Play out the worst-case scenario. This might seem like an anxiety-inducing activity, but it actually has the opposite effect. What’s the worst that could happen if you follow your dream? Will you lose money? Will people laugh at you? Will you fall short of your goal? What happens after that?
  • Now do the opposite. What’s the best thing that could happen if you try? Could you win an award or cross something important off your bucket list? Will you show your family what’s possible if you work past the fear? What will you gain if you try?
  • Rethink the notions of success and failure. Look, if your goal is to become a professional ballet dancer but you’ve never put on toe shoes, then you’re almost certainly going to fall short. But you could absolutely take a dance class, go to a social salsa or swing class, or just learn some moves in the comfort of your living room.
  • Finally, don’t be too hard on yourself. If you’re chasing a dream, do it because it gives you joy. Laugh at your mistakes and don’t take your success too seriously. And remember to have fun! Life’s too short to spend your time on anything less.