Are you looking for a new fitness plan or workout program that won’t be too difficult for beginners? Better yet, a way for a beginner to get a full body workout that you can actually stick to?
We’ve got good news! The exercise plan below is one of the best workout programs for fitness newbies who don’t want to go the gym trainer routine.
The fitness exercises listed are some of the easiest ways to ease into an exercise routine that most people will have no trouble fitting into their existing day-to-day schedule.
Squats are a fantastic way to help build up your lower body strength, and whether you’d like to use dumbbells is up to you. Since you’re a beginner, you should avoid dumbbells above twenty pounds so that you don’t overexert yourself.
These are the words that everyone at the gym always dreads and you’re about to understand why. However, this modified version doesn’t require you to jump, so you get a small reprieve.
Lean forward and place your hands to the ground, kick your back legs out so they reach the ground behind you, then kick them forward again, and stand up. Rinse and repeat.
You will need a pair of dumbbells for this workout, and the focus will be on building up your shoulders. You simply stand in a shoulder-width stance and raise your arms in wide arcs while keeping a slight bend to the elbows while holding your dumbbells.
Keep your arms parallel to the ground and keep your back flat.
This workout is very similar to the lateral raises, but instead of lifting the dumbbells out to the side, you’ll curl them in from your thighs to your chest from the front. You’ll want to make sure your arms stay behind your rib cage and that your elbows stay pinned close to your sides.
If your glutes need work, you’re going to love this final move. Lay down on your back, making sure your lower back is in contact with the ground. Life your body up using your legs until you create a ninety-degree angle with the ground.
Squeeze your glutes tightly as you move upward, paying close attention to them. If you’d like to add a little more challenge, place dumbbells on your hips and raise them carefully.