Fitness enthusiasts love to debate the merits of various times of day for exercising. Some swear by their morning fitness regiment, while others say it’s best to hit the gym after work.
However, it’s hard to tell the signal from the noise when it comes to fitness advice. So, who’s right? What is the best time of day to exercise?
Scientifically speaking, no particular time of day is better for simply burning calories or training your muscles. When it comes to the efficacy of the workout, the actual exercise itself is what matters. Reps are reps, no matter what time of day you do them. In that sense, this conversation can end there.
However, everyone has a busy schedule that their exercise needs to work around. If you have a job that requires you to clock in before 9 a.m., an early morning gym visit is probably out of the question. If you work nights, you’re probably not going for a run at dinnertime.
But wait! It’s not so simple as picking the most convenient time to hit the gym. When you workout can also affect your psychology, according to some findings.
Your exercise routine should be regular, and timing can play a part in that regularity. If you’re not a morning person–if you hate getting up early and it’s a struggle to get out of bed before the sun rises–you probably shouldn’t count on getting a morning workout in.
Instead of giving yourself unachievable fitness goals that you’re inevitably going to miss and then find yourself discouraged, set yourself up for success. Do you have several free hours between getting home from work and eating dinner? Then you should schedule your workout in that time.
Maybe you don’t go in for work until the afternoon. In that case, why not work out after breakfast, before your shift? Go to the gym in your athletic gear and change into your work clothes after a quick shower. You’ll feel energized by the exercise and ready to face your day.
The most important factor when deciding on timing, of course, is outside time pressures. Work is a big one, of course, but there are also family and social obligations to consider. If you find it hard to get time away from family in the evening, maybe it’s best to work out before everyone wakes up. Maybe you have evening plans with friends some nights; plan your workout around not interfering with these or else you are setting yourself up to fail.
In the end, the best time of the day to exercise is the time that’s best for you. It just needs to be a time you can consistently block out for your workout. Health and fitness only go as far as the dedication you put into them, so set yourself up to excel out of the gate, rather than giving yourself unattainable goals.