anti-aging secrets

No matter what you’re age is, you are capable of beauty. It seems like there’s always a new anti-aging pill to take or cream to use. But it turns out that the real secrets looking and feeling younger can’t be found in a bottle or jar. Read on to discover simple anti-aging secrets that you can use right now.

Leave the Coffee Alone

You’re probably not going to like this, but caffeine is not good if you want to feel and look younger. Caffeine puts stress on your system and over-stimulates, leading to a nasty rebound effect over time. It also acts as a diuretic, making it harder to stay hydrated. Instead of drinking coffee or soda, stick to decaf herbal tea or plain water.

Avoid the Sun

By now, you’ve learned that exposure to sun has nasty side effects. In addition to causing wrinkles and painful sunburns, prolonged exposure over many years can lead to skin cancer. Whenever you go outside, wear sunscreen. During sunny weather, it’s also a good idea to wear long, lightweight clothing instead of baring too much skin. Sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat aren’t a bad idea either.

Don’t Forget to Moisturize

Although there are countless beauty products on the market that promise anti-aging secrets in a bottle, the truth is that all you really need is a good moisturizer. Apply in the morning and evening—you can go heavier at night before bed. For a bonus effect, try keeping your moisturizer in the fridge. The cold will help reduce puffiness and make you feel more refreshed!

Stay Social

Maintaining a healthy social circle as you grow older is a challenge. But having friends is deeply important to your health. You’ll live longer and feel happier if you have an active social life. If your calendar is looking a little empty, try taking a class or joining a club to meet new people in your area.

Stand More, Sit Less

Most of us spend way too much time sitting down. If you’ve been leading a sedentary lifestyle, it can have disastrous effects on your health. In fact, a recent scientific study found that people who sit for less than 3 hours a day live an average of 2 years longer than the rest of us.

Get up and take a walk whenever you can. If you have mobility issues, try to incorporate more movement into your day. The goal is to move as much as possible!

Care for a Dog

Did you know that pets can save your life? Having a dog to care for lowers your risk of cardiovascular disease and improves your overall quality of life. It might be because your pup needs to go for walks every day, dragging you along for the ride. If possible, choose a shelter pet that needs a loving home.

Ditch Straws

Straws have gotten a bad name recently for the damage they do to the environment. But using a straw is also a good way to develop serious wrinkles! The act of sucking on a straw makes your lips pucker, and over time you’ll develop wrinkles around your mouth. The same goes for smoking—but you already know how bad cigarettes are for your health.