What to Eat When You Have the Flu

With flu season upon us, knowing what to eat and drink to restore your energy and rehydrate your body will help in the healing process and get you back on your feet.


First Things First

When you first start feeling able to eat, it’s not the time to go big or go home.  Start with bland foods such as bananas, rice applesauce or toast. Once your symptoms have resolved you can resume your regular diet.

Start Slow

When you feel well enough to get back to solid foods and the food you love, start slow.  The body is in a dehydrated state so incorporating more liquids will help replenish fluids which is very important to your body and the recovery process.  Start with water-rich fruits, veggies, soups and smoothies. For water-based fruits and vegetables consider some of these options: cucumbers, lettuce, celery, grapefruit, cantaloupe, strawberries, watermelon, peaches.

Once you’ve conquered those items, consider yogurt to replenish needed ‘gut bacteria’. This will also start introducing more protein back into the diet and stabilize your blood sugar to help you feel stronger.

What to Drink

To expedite the replenishment of your electrolytes, consider coconut water over sugary sports drinks. Coconut water is loaded with potassium and is a good source for other key nutrients as well. Pedialyte isn’t just for kids – it’s easy on the stomach and helps replenish in adults just as is does in kids.

When Do I Get Chicken Noodle Soup?

When you are truly ready to start introducing solid foods, that’s when you start with dishes like chicken noodle soup. You get everything in one meal with the chicken as protein, fluids as the broth and carbohydrates from the noodles and bread. Remember to start slow and keep hydration first from the start of your illness to a full recovery.