Is Your Pet Trying to Tell You Something About Their Health?

pet is depressed

Pets give us so much and ask only for food and love in return. But we don’t speak the same language, and sometimes it’s easy to miss when something is wrong. Pets have complex emotions and show their feelings through unusual behavior. If you notice these symptoms, it might be time to make an appointment at the vet. It could be a sign that your pet is depressed or anxious.

Biting or Aggression

If your normally sweet dog or cat is suddenly acting out, that could be a sign that something is wrong. If they’ve never tried to bite you before or seem unusually angry—hissing or barking, lashing out when you try to pet them—talk to your vet.

Hiding or Refusing to Play

When your pet seems to be hiding away or losing interest in playtime, it’s a possible sign of depression. Just like people, depressed pets stop enjoying their favorite games and toys. They also tend to withdraw from people when they don’t feel good.

Compulsive Grooming

Anxiety in both dogs and cats can lead to compulsive licking of their paws. They might even start chewing on their pads and claws. The behavior isn’t that different from a person biting their nails when nervous or upset.

Increased Vocalization

Cats mostly meow to communicate with their humans, so if your cat is talking a lot, listen up! Cats and dogs may both vocalize more than normal when they don’t feel well. The noise may be irritating, but chances are good that they’re trying to tell you something important. It’s literally a cry for help.

Constant Pacing

Dogs who won’t stop pacing or roaming the house are often having emotional problems. Pets tend to be stressed by sudden changes to their environment or routine. A big change, such as moving to a new house, is naturally very upsetting since they don’t understand what’s going on.

Destruction and Acting Out

If you won’t listen to them, pets will sometimes resort to getting your attention in more dramatic ways. Destroying your favorite shoes or shredding your couch, for example, might be a sign that all is not well with your pets. And using the bathroom indoors (or outside the litter box) is usually a sign that something is wrong. They might have a physical illness or injury, or it might be that your pet is depressed.

Loss of Appetite

One of the biggest signs that your pet is depressed is if they lose interest in food. Of course, there could be a lot of other reasons why they’ve suddenly decided to ignore their dish or refuse treats. Trying changing the type of food or varying meal times. If they’re still not interested, then you should get them checked out.