laugh more

Laughter truly is the best medicine. It lifts your mood, lowers stress, and delivers more oxygen to your body. And a really good belly laugh burns calories, too! Want to laugh more? Read on for simple strategies to get giggling!

Laugh Even Though You Don’t Want To

Our bodies are miraculous things. It turns out that the act of laughing—the specific way you move the muscles in your face—can actually make you feel happier. So even if you’re not in the mood right now, try laughing at a joke. Here, I’ll get you started:

Q: Where does a general keep his armies?

A: In his sleevies!

Get a Little Kid to Give You a Lesson

Next time you need to laugh more, spend some time with a kid. Preschoolers are particularly good at giggling through just about anything. Ask them to explain something to you, like why the sky is blue. You’ll no doubt both be laughing by the time they’re done!

Watch a Beloved Comedy

Movies and TV seem so dark nowadays, don’t they? For a mood boost, put on your favorite comedy while you do chores or work on a project. You don’t need to give it your full attention, since you’ve seen it before, but the familiar jokes will surely make you chuckle.

Play with a Pet

Pets are a source of endless laughter. Watching a kitten or puppy playing with a toy is sure to make you feel happy. If you don’t have access to a pet right now, YouTube has more than enough funny pet videos to go around.

Laugh at Yourself

Having a sense of humor about yourself is vital as you get older. Keep laughing when things go awry—especially if you’re with friends or family. If you can laugh at your own mistakes and shortcomings, it will help everyone feel happier and laugh more!

Find Something Funny Every Morning

While you enjoy your morning coffee or tea, check out a favorite comic strip or hilarious video online. Having a chuckle first thing in the morning sets the tone for the rest of your day. Those joke-a-day calendars have some gems, but go with whatever gives you the most joy.

Get Lost in a Good Book

Reading a funny book—one that makes you laugh out loud—is a lovely way to pass the time. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams is a lot of fun, and the Jeeves and Wooster books by P.G. Wodehouse are still hilarious a century later.

Play a Game with Friends

There are countless party games to get the laughter rolling. A classic like charades requires no advance planning or special equipment. Don’t pick anything too competitive—you want everyone to have a good time!