Sleep Better, Live Better: Tips for a Good Night’s Rest

As you grow older, many things change. Your sleeping habits aren’t immune from the march of time. In fact, many people find that they wake up more often during the night, get by on fewer hours of sleep, or feel the need to take more frequent naps. While everyone’s needs are different, chances are good that you could benefit from better sleep. Here are 7 strategies to get the snooze you deserve!

Designated Sleep Zone

The bedroom shouldn’t be a multipurpose room. Ideally, it is a tranquil, inviting room that provides a feeling of comfort and safety. If you have a TV in your bedroom, it’s time to move it someplace else! Make sure that your mattress and pillows provide adequate support, and that you have good ventilation to ensure a peaceful rest.

Set a Bedtime

We thrive on routines, so try to follow a predictable sleep schedule. Get up and go to bed at the same time every day, regardless of your other plans. Your body will adapt to the schedule and anticipate sleep as your bedtime draws near.

Skip the Nightcap

Alcohol isn’t a great choice at any time, but right before bed is particularly bad if you want to get a decent night’s rest. Alcohol makes it more difficult to fall asleep and more likely to wake up in the night as its effects wear off. If you do want to enjoy an adult beverage, consider a glass of wine with dinner instead.

No Catnaps

Napping during the day makes it harder to fall asleep at night. If you’re feeling drowsy, make sure that you’ve had enough fluids and fuel. You might just be dehydrated or hungry! If you don’t need a snack, then a change of scenery is in order. Get up and, if possible, go outside. The key is to get your body moving until the wave of sleepiness passes.

Calming Routine

Create a series of triggers that let your body know it’s time to sleep. Meditation, soft music, and a whiff of lavender essential oils can be part of your bedtime wind-down. You should turn off the TV, phone, and tablet at least an hour before bed, since the light they emit can interfere with your natural circadian rhythm.

Bubble Bath and Chill

Baths may seem a little bit childish, but if you enjoy a good soak, there’s nothing better for helping you relax and de-stress before bed. A warm bath with a few candles is an indulgent-feeling treat that won’t actually break the bank. Try an Epsom salt soak with a few drops of calming lavender for an especially soothing soak.

The Kitchen Is Closed

It’s a good idea not to eat before bed—and you may want to lay off the late-night beverages, too. Needing to get up to use the bathroom is a surefire way to interrupt your sleep schedule.