Eating Healthy Doesn’t Have to Be Expensive — Here’s How to Eat Clean on a Budget


From our friends at HeyPumpkin: Every time I step inside Whole Foods, I immediately want to buy everything in sight. I don’t know what it is about that grocery store, but the calming environment and healthy food alternatives always suck me in.

grocery bag with food

That is, of course, until I look at the prices. You want me to pay $20 for a tin of nuts? I don’t think so.

Why are all these “organic” or “healthy” grocery stores so pricey? While I want to eat healthily and choose nutritious options over junk, the reality is I don’t have the luxury of spending hundreds of dollars on food every week.

Via Giphy

If you’re balling on a budget like me (or you’re just looking to save money at the grocery store), you’ve probably felt the same way I do. The good news, however, is that there are ways to save money and eat healthily. It just takes a little more searching.

So, if you’re hoping to stick to a cleaner diet, here are a few foods you should buy the next time you’re at the grocery store that won’t break the bank. 



Unless you’re a vegan (or don’t like the taste), you should definitely be incorporating eggs into your daily diet. Whether you prefer them scrambled in the morning or hard-boiled in the afternoon for a quick snack, eggs are a fantastic source of protein. Not to mention, a dozen eggs usually costs under $2 at the grocery store.

Rotisserie Chicken

whole chicken

For years, whenever I was trying to save money at the grocery store, the first thing I cut back on was meat and fish. However, I learned that you don’t have to cut out meat in order to stay within your budget.

Buying a rotisserie chicken is a great option; not just because you get the entire bird, but because they’re usually cheaper than other meat options. Plus, you’ll have enough chicken for multiple meals. Win, win! You can also make stock with the leftovers.

Beans and Lentils

beans and lentils

It’s always a good idea to keep a few cans of beans or lentils in your pantry. Beans offer a great source of protein and can pretty much be used in any meal. From salads and bowls to tacos and soups, beans can jazz up almost anything. They’re one of the cheapest, most shelf-stable proteins. For an advanced option, look into buying bulk dried beans instead of cans.

Frozen Vegetables

frozen vegetables

While fresh vegetables are delicious, there is a misconception they’re healthier than frozen vegetables. Guess what? That’s not true!

Frozen vegetables are just as healthy, but they’re oftentimes a lot cheaper than fresh vegetables. And, you don’t have to worry about them spoiling in a few days! Grab a few bags of frozen vegetables and keep them on hand when you’re looking for an easy option.

Last But Not Least, Don’t Buy Foods You Won’t Eat

pushing grocery cart

I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve gone to the grocery store, bought an enormous amount of fruits and vegetables, and then only ended up eating about half of my purchase.

When you go shopping, make sure you’re buying fruits and vegetables you know you’ll actually eat. For example, if you only eat a few apples in a week, don’t buy an entire bag. If fool yourself into thinking you’ll eat one a day, you’ll just end up wasting your money.

There’s nothing wrong with encouraging yourself to eat better, but you want to make sure you’re not throwing money down the drain in the process.