Are Murder Hornets Actually a Threat To Your Health?

Here’s the deal – Murder Hornets, known by their real name as Asian giant hornets, have officially been sighted in the US. And not once or twice, but in several instances. There is no question that these giant pests are really on the West Coast, and could spread.

While these Murder Hornets really are a threat to the local bee population, which is already struggling, the question so many people have is: are these Murder Hornets a threat to the human population?

Not really, but they aren’t friendly, either. They’re like wasps in the way that they won’t really bother you if you leave them alone… but if you mess with them, these Murder Hornets could do some serious damage. Their stingers can go through a beekeeper suit, and videos already exist online where it shows how immediate and painful a sting is from one.

The really scary part? Even if you’re not allergic, the sting of a Murder Hornet contains neurotoxins that can kill if you’ve been stung enough times.