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With a new year comes a chance to make a new you. You’ve got months before beach weather arrive, so it’s time to start working on that beach body.
If you’re not sure where to start to get healthy this year, no sweat! Here’s our quick tips to make getting in shape easy for you in 2020.
Make sure you drink tons of water! It’s great for you, and hydration is an important aspect of getting healthy. Let water replace sugary sodas, energy drinks and the like as that will help you cut tons of calories out of your daily diet.
If you’re really hurting for caffeine, remember that black coffee, tea and espresso are all great without either cream or milk. These are all great ways to get a little pick-me-up without introducing unnecessary sugar or fat into your diet.
Remember to take the stairs! Don’t take the elevator or the escalator if you are able to walk. Park further from the door so you get more steps. If possible, go for a walk when you get home from work.
Generally speaking, make sure you’re always finding ways to challenge yourself and keep moving. There’s no reason to add more moments of stillness to your day; you’re sitting still plenty. Get out there and move!
If you’re not getting enough sleep, you’re not getting healthy. You can’t work out, eat right and then sleep four hours per night and expect to be in good health. The average adult needs between six and nine hours of sleep per night, while some recommend getting as close to eight hours as possible.
Sleep offers a chance for your body to rest, to build muscle and to pay off all that hard work you’re doing. Not to mention, being well-rested makes it so you’re mentally prepared to tackle your day. Without the right amount of sleep, you simply won’t be able to focus on your workout or your job.
Are you getting enough water, exercise and sleep? If not, those are the three most important areas to focus on as you get healthy in 2020.