The One Thing Everyone Should Do on Sundays to Lessen Anxiety Throughout the Week

If you’re easily stressed on Monday morning, there’s one thing you should really start doing to lessen your anxiety.

curb anxiety with this trick

No, we’re not going to tell you to meditate or go to church. Those are things you can choose to do if they suit you, of course. And for many people, those are really positive activities that can help ease anxiety as well.

However, neither are the one thing we’re talking about. We’re talking about setting aside some time to do one simple little thing.

The Typical Monday Morning

Do you wake up every Monday frantically going over the things you need to do that day in your head? Is your morning routine spent in a constant state of distraction?

Many of us find ourselves plotting out the morning, the day, the week, and more as we begin our day. We continue to dwell during our commute. And often, this sets us up to have a distraction-filled, hectic day. Sometimes those voices in our heads really just never shut up.

Quashing Uncertainty, Combating Anxiety

You can change your week – and your entire mindset – by doing this easy, yet remarkable, thing. On Sunday evening, take a seat, and physically plan out your entire week on paper. Yes, on paper.

On Monday, you’ll be less distracted and much more prepared to hit the ground running.

Keeping a schedule sounds obvious, but so few of us actually commit to it. The thing is, it actually can change your life. Plus, it really only takes fifteen to twenty minutes once a week for most people.

Brainstorm ideas, schedule the things you need to do, and list out things that need taking care of. If you have bills that need paying or errands to run, jot that down.

Using Paper Calendars for Perspective

Yes, you can use a virtual or online calendar, too, but writing things down really helps with perspective and memory. It often gives you a better sense of how your week actually looks.

Seeing something in your online calendar just doesn’t have the same impact as how you physically space things on paper.

Enjoying Your Morning

Once you’ve gotten all of those things out of your head and down on paper instead, you’re free to relax. You can get ready for your day in a more mindful way, focusing on what’s actually going on around you.

You don’t have to rattle off the to-do list (that you’ll inevitably forget) in your head. You’ve already got that part of your day taken care of. This can help you feel much more at ease and ready to take on the day.

The main thing is that you need to make this a regular habit. You should force yourself to prepare for the week every single Sunday. Trust us, it will make things significantly easier and ease anxiety as well. In fact, it may even change your life.