Should You Have a ‘Cheat Day’ When Following a Diet?

Lots of folks talk about having “cheat days,” on which they can ditch their diet and eat whatever they want. And there are plenty of experts that agree having a designated cheat day can help with weight loss. Not to mention it can help inspire us to eat healthier the rest of the week, too.

Cheat Day Macarons

The idea is that having a too-strict diet can be overwhelming and make people feel somewhat deprived. That sense of deprivation can lead to cravings and even binging, which can completely wreck your progress.

By not giving yourself a chance to indulge every now and then, you might be setting yourself up to fail. Allowing yourself a cheat day could, on the other hand, better help you reach your goals.

Indulging While Dieting

The key thing is to limit how much you allow yourself to indulge. While some people can limit themselves to a small, daily treat, many struggle with cravings – especially for sugar. Not to mention those treats can also lead to bloating and poor sleep, too.

Instead, having one designated cheat day can help limit cravings and make you feel better about indulging.

Motivating Factor

The best part is, knowing you have a day to honor your cravings often makes you enjoy them even more. You know you’ll get what you want eventually, so you can stop thinking about it until the day comes.

Often, this actually drives folks to eat better foods the rest of the week.

Setting Down Ground Rules

One of the cons of having a cheat day is how it can often turn into more than one. That’s why it’s important to have a solid, set cutoff time. One day can’t turn into two. And if you slip up, it’s crucial to not let yourself fall into a cycle of overindulgence.

If you’re going to have a cheat day, you’re going to have to be strict about it. If you choose Sunday as that day, you should be back to prepping healthy meals that night or the next morning.

If you can successfully manage the balance of having just one day to treat yourself, then why not?

You’ll feel less deprived, and also less crappy after you do indulge.