Improve Your Morning Routine by Adopting these 5 Quick Habits

Not a morning person? Yea, us neither. Unfortunately, the key to beating the morning blues is to outright face them head-on.

Yes, that means you need to get up and stay up – which, of course, is easier said than done.

Morning Stretch

That’s why we’ve got some tricks to help you kick-start your morning routine and take on the day. No matter how busy your schedule, these shouldn’t take more than a few minutes each morning.

1. Stop yourself from snoozing.

First of all, you’re going to need to get the hardest part out of the way. That means not hitting the snooze button. It can be challenging, but the more times you snooze, the less rested you’ll actually feel.

In order to accomplish this important first step, you’ll need to set your alarm properly. That means setting it for the actual time you need to get up – not giving yourself a snooze buffer.

Still struggling? There are some smartphone apps that can also help you wake up better based on your sleep cycle.

2. Take a minute to breathe.

You might be surprised how significant a few deep breaths can go. This is a great way to get yourself prepped for some morning mindfulness and some brief stretches.

Before you pop up out of bed, just take 4-5 deep breaths to prepare yourself.

3. Get some stretches in.

Stretching as you wake up seems pretty cliché, but it can also really help you get going.

When you wake up, take a minute or two to do some quick energizing stretches. They’ll help get your blood pumping so you can move on into your day.

4. Practice mindfulness.

Whether or not you believe in meditation, a little mindfulness never hurt anyone. Take a moment to just be present.

There are so many benefits to doing so like increasing your resilience and inspiring happiness. It really can help you approach the day with a positive outlook.

5. Drink up.

We’re talking about water, of course. One of the first things you should do in the morning is to hydrate yourself. Trust us, replenishing your fluids will have a significant impact on your body’s ability to wake up.

Don’t like plain water? You can always add a little lemon.