3 Common Pitfalls that Can Cripple Your Weight Loss Goals

We’re not even through with January yet, and already it seems like some people are giving up on their New Year goals. There’s no reason to despair though – we all make mistakes and results don’t happen overnight.


If you aren’t making as much progress as you’d hoped, we get it. It might not be your fault at all, though it could also be the result of one or several common blunders.

Here are three common pitfalls that can seriously hamper your progress when it comes to losing weight.

1. Obsessing Over Your Weight

We all love the idea of saying we lost x number of pounds, right? Well, it’s important not to focus on the numbers.

If you’re stepping on the scale every day to look for results, you’re using the wrong approach entirely. Your weight in number is not a measure of your success. Not to mention it can fluctuate widely for all sorts of reasons.

Avoid stepping on the scale more than once a week – max. Preferably, you should hold out for at least a month at a time. The day-to-day fluctuations don’t matter.

2. Going All-In from the Get-Go

When you find your motivation, it’s easy to be overenthusiastic about your goals. Unfortunately, going from zero to sixty right off the bat is a good way to burn out just as quickly. (It can also cause injuries as well.)

Contain your excitement and commit to a long-term goal. Getting fit requires both time and consistency – and that means it also takes patience. Take your time and find a pace you can stick with.

3. Dreading Your Routine

If you look at working out as a chore, it’s not going to be enjoyable. Instead, it’s important to find a way to make your fitness regimen feel fun and enjoyable. Yes, there may be tough days, but exercising shouldn’t be a dreaded activity.

If you don’t enjoy working out, there’s a good chance you just haven’t found the right workout yet. Explore all the options available to you until you find something that brings you joy and a sense of accomplishment.