Update your Workout to Make a More Effective Routine

Starting to feel like your fitness routine isn’t having a significant enough impact anymore? It’s quite possible your instincts are correct.

elliptical machine

If you’re not changing things up frequently, you likely aren’t exercising efficiently. Once your body has adapted to doing the same exercises every day, your workout is going to lose its effectiveness. Besides, sticking to the same old routine can also start to get boring anyway.

That’s why you should update your workout routine regularly, keeping it fresh. Here are three simple ways you can do just that.

1. Pick up some new moves.

Instead of simply repeating the same moves over and over again, try working in some new variations. It’s often easier than you think to put a new spin on the things you’re already comfortable doing. For example, you can build upon the moves you already know by upgrading them to combo moves.

Alternatively, you might want to work some entirely new moves into your routine to make it a bit more challenging.

2. Mix it up with the machines.

If you’ve been sticking to just one machine at the gym, now’s the time to mix it up.

For instance, if you’re spending a half hour on the treadmill, break that into 10 minutes increments on other machines. Try doing 10 minutes on the elliptical, 10 on a stationary bike, and then 10 on the treadmill. Alternatively, there are plenty of other machines you can try as well – like a rowing machine or stair climber.

Switching it up will not only help add variation to your routine, but it’ll also make the time pass faster. Just make sure you switch from one to the next without too much hesitation so your heart rate stays elevated.

3. Shift your footing.

While it sounds pretty minor, how you position your feet can seriously affect your workout. This is because changing your footing can help target different portions of your muscles.

For each set of reps, consider putting your feet in different positions. For example, instead of having your toes pointed straight ahead, try pointing your toes outward.

You might be surprised at what a change you’ll likely feel.