4 Things You Can Use to Ward Off Negative Vibes

Sometimes negativity just unexpectedly seeps into our lives, and it can come from all sorts of different sources as well.

Bad vibes can originate from another person, an object, or even from within your own self. However, it’s up to you to deal with them regardless of where they came from. There are plenty of ways to do so, of course, but you’ll need to make a habit of it. There’s no way to simply banish bad energy and have it stay away indefinitely.

With that in mind, here are a few things you can use to ward off negative vibes.

Sage Burning

Halite (Rock Salt)

A purifying mineral, halite is rich with emotional energy. It’s said to help alleviate mood swings and encourage balance. If you think the bad vibes you’re dealing with could’ve come from within, this stone is for you.

Carry a halite crystal in your pocket, or wear one on a necklace, to help quell emotional imbalance and depression.

Regular salt can also be beneficial in dispelling negative energy, as can salt lamps.

Palo Santo

Literally translating to “holy wood,” Palo Santo sticks can be burned to clear away negativity. It also has grounding properties that can help make your home feel safer, like a sanctuary.


Burning sage, often referred to as smudging, is an effective way to rid yourself of bad vibes.

In fact, it’s is a very well known and incredibly popular way to cleanse one’s personal space. Whether it’s your office, a bedroom, or your whole home, sage smoke is thought to dispel negative energy. It’s also believed to replace it with positive energy.

If you prefer not to burn things, sage oil can also offer protective properties.

Black Tourmaline (Schorl)

Many crystals have protective properties, but black tourmaline is great for those who are new to working with them. Many even consider it to be the most powerful protective stone there is. Not only can it help shield you from mental and emotional negativity, it’s also physically and spiritually protective.

Simply keep a piece with you to reap the benefits of this incredible stone.