New Year’s Resolutions that Will Change Your Life

Sometimes making major life changes is less about higher learning and more about utilizing what you already know.

There’s a good chance that you don’t need any new apps, gadgets, or self-help books. It’s quite possible you simply need to apply the things you already know.


Knowing is not enough, we must apply; Willing is not enough, we must do.”  -Goethe

It doesn’t matter what or how much you know if you don’t apply it to your life. So, here are 5 resolutions for 2019 – aka things you probably already know – that can totally change your life.

1. Do your best.

Failure is always an option – and also a learning experience. That’s why it’s important to apply yourself as much as you can – to live, learn and grow.

In everything you do, give it your best shot. When give everything you have to give, and you’ll reap many rewards in terms of life experience if not more.

2. Be kind.

It sounds obvious, but sometimes we take for granted our ability to be kindhearted. Always be kind to both yourself and everyone you meet.

Avoid judging, bullying, or being mean and hurtful. The more you practice kindness, the more you’ll find what goes around, comes around.

3. Believe in yourself.

We’re all programmed to achieve the things we most desire. However, when we have doubts, we tend to hold ourselves back. By listening to your inner voices and believing in them – using your intuition – you can make great strides towards happiness.

When you believe in yourself, there’s really nothing you can’t do. Never let anyone tell you that you can’t achieve your dreams.

4. Practice positivity.

We tend to spend a lot of our energy both on our own negative feelings and avoiding those of others.

Ain’t nobody got time for that though.

When you consciously put effort into being positive, you’ll find the results are incredibly rewarding. Not only will your attitude improve, it’ll also rub off on others – giving you an even bigger boost of energy.

The more positive you are, the more others will want to be around you. Think about it – who can resist good vibes?

5. Forget your fears.

Think about what could actually go wrong. Chances are failure isn’t a life or death situation. In fact, as we mentioned before, it can be a really good thing. The more you fail, the more you learn and grow.

Mentally prepare yourself for the worst-case scenario, count to five, and then cast aside your fears. You’ve got this.