7 Tips for Staying Fit Throughout the Holidays When You’ve Got Less Time to Workout

The holidays can be a challenging time for all of us when it comes to our workout routines.

Go to the gym? Ain’t nobody got time for that. Eat healthy? Sure, ok, despite the Christmas ham, the peppermint bark, the cookies, and the stocking full of candy.

Holiday Fitness

It’s easy to fall out of good habits when we’re so busy with decorating, cooking, shopping, and other holiday-related tasks. However, breaking positive habits can be seriously detrimental to our fitness goals.

Try following these eight tips for staying healthy despite the rush and the temptations.

1. Use the stairs.

Forget cramming yourself into a packed elevator or waiting to step onto an escalator even once this season. Instead, take the stairs. You’ll burn calories while also toning your lower body even while shopping at the mall.

2. Get fit with the fam.

If you’ve got a family full of children, why not use it as an excuse to stay active? Instead of playing Fortnite or watching movies with them, get everyone up and get out of the house. There are plenty of fun activities that can help the whole family stay healthy this holiday season.

3. Go out for a run/walk.

Sometimes the one thing you need most this time of year is to get out and clear your head. Nobody’s going to fault you for taking some time to yourself to get out and run/walk for a bit. (And if they do, bah humbug to them!)

4. Embrace the art of multitasking.

There are lots of times when you might not think to incorporate fitness moves in your daily life. However, there’s no reason not to.

Winding down you’re your favorite TV shows? Do yoga or simple exercises while you watch, or see how many squats you can get in during the commercials.

Got a phone call? Take them on a walk with you. Working overtime? Do some leg lifts at your desk. There’s always time to get a few reps in.

5. Forget finding the best parking spot.

Yeah, yeah, we’d all love to park 2 spaces away from the store, but it ain’t gonna happen. And it shouldn’t either. Most parking lots are a madhouse this time of year with everyone vying for the closest spots. Take a deep breath, it’s okay to park at the back of the lot.

It’s actually beneficial, too. Not only will you save time since you didn’t waste it searching for a spot, you’ll get some steps in, too.

6. Skip the shopping cart.

Instead of pushing a cart around, try carrying a basket or shopping bag. Toting the extra weight can help tone and build muscle.

Shopping for lots of people? Ok, if you can’t forgo the buggy, we get it. However, you could don some weighted wrist or leg bands while doing daily activities.

7. Be smart about what you eat.

Not gorging on a Christmas feat sounds like some obvious advice, but still, a lot of people ignore it. A little bit in moderation is fine, but try to make sure your diet is still fairly balanced.

Also, we know many people are often too busy to cook before and after the big days. Try to avoid resorting to fast food or pizza delivery. Instead, look for quick and easy meals that are still healthy or make one-pot meals in advance and freeze ‘em.