Smartphone Apps That Can Aid in Meditation and Mindfulness

When we think of meditating or practicing mindfulness, the last thing that comes to mind is whipping out a smartphone. As ubiquitous as they’ve become, we tend to see them as an unfortunate necessity.


They connect us to our jobs even when we’re away from our desks and they serve up constant distractions. Connectivity is something we often seek to escape when choosing to wind down and be one with our surroundings.

Honestly, how can we reconnect with nature while staring at a little screen?

Positive Uses for Smartphones

It sounds counter-intuitive at first, but our smartphones can have a positive impact in our lives. They just need to be used in a productive and healthy way. Forget downloading apps that have you mindlessly scrolling through an endless stream of content. Instead, you need to download beneficial ones.

Luckily, there’s a nice selection of meditation apps available to help you de-stress and de-clutter your mind.

Mobile Meditation Apps

Being mindful can be a challenge for some, but it’s not without some significant benefits. If you’re struggling to find time to meditate daily, your mobile device may be able to help.

Headspace, Smiling Mind, Mindfulness, Calm, and Simple Habit are just a few apps that can aid you in embracing mindfulness. As such, they can also assist in combating depression, lowering stress levels, and reducing anxiety.

Other Recommended Apps

If you’re struggling to tear yourself away from social media, you might need to break free from that first. Thankfully, there are apps for that, too. Forest, for example, is an app that helps you stay focused by dissuading you from opening other apps.

Other recommended apps include BreakFree, AppDetox, and Flipd.

There are also apps to help track your sleep habits and monitor your moods as well. For sleep tracking, consider SleepTown, Sleep as Android, Auto Sleep, or Sleep Cycle. For mood monitoring, you have several options there as well.

If you like the idea of keeping a diary, perhaps Daylio is for you. To track and set goals for yourself, try Moodlytics.

It might take some searching to find the perfect apps for you. However, when you find the ones that work with your lifestyle, you may be pleasantly surprised by how helpful they are.