With Thanksgiving just around the corner, billions of people will practice gratitude. It’s a holiday symbolized by giving thanks, but practicing gratitude everyday will enrich your life beyond measure. Here’s how.



Gratitude improves your relationships. The simple gesture of thanking someone makes them want to seek a further or ongoing relationship with you. People that express their gratitude often invite new friends to their circle and develop longer-lasting relationships than those that do not.

Grateful people also learn to be more empathetic and show decreased signs of aggression which makes them less likely to experience feelings of retaliation or revenge; hence promoting healthier, longer relationships.

Physical Health

Studies show that people who are grateful take better care of their bodies and overall health. They also experience fewer aches and pains. Being grateful motivates us to care more about the things we have – including our bodies.

Emotional Health

Gratitude reduces emotions that wreak havoc on your emotional state. Some of these emotions include envy, resentment, frustration and regret. With the absence of these, people are happier in everyday life.

Recognizing what you are thankful for also reduces stress and anxiety. Doing so at the worst times in your life helps you foster resilience and overcome trauma. You can lead a longer, healthier, happier life just by being thankful for what you have and cherishing the moments that you experience.

Other Benefits of Gratitude

Studies also show that gratitude helps in many other aspects of life, including how you feel about yourself and others. One study found that people who write in a gratitude journal before bed each night tend slept better and longer.

This Thanksgiving, give thanks as you normally do but continue to truly embrace a lifestyle that promotes gratitude. By doing so, you will grow not only spiritually, but also emotionally, mentally along with improving your physical health!